NeRF:Representing Scene as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis 笔记
文章目录 1. What:2. Why:3. How:3.1 Real-time rendering3.2 Adaptive Control of Gaussians3.3 Differentiable 3D Gaussian splatting 4. Self-thoughts 1. What: What kind of thing is this article going to do (from the a…
AI视野今日CS.CV 计算机视觉论文速览 Mon, 2 Oct 2023 (showing first 100 of 112 entries) Totally 100 papers 👉上期速览✈更多精彩请移步主页 Interesting:
📚*****The Dawn of LMMs, GPT4-V视觉大语言模型综述。(from Microsoft Corporation)
文章目录 1. Env2. Train3. Custom data3.1 Prepare3.2 Render and eval3.3 Results 4. Summary 1. Env
The configuration process was smooth on Linux, but there are some problems with tiny_cuda_nn and colmap in Windows.
// According to the installation document…
NeRF in the Wild: Neural Radiance Fields for Unconstrained Photo Collections
题目:VastGaussian: Vast 3D Gaussians for Large Scene Reconstruction 来源:清华大学;华为诺亚;中国科学院 链接:
总结:VastGaussian:基于3D GS的分块优化重…
ICCV-23 paper list 目录
Oral Papers
3D from multi-view and sensors
Generative AI
Poster Papers
3D Generation (Neural generative models)
3D from a single image and shape-from-x
3D Editing
Face and gestures
Dataset Oral Papers
3D from …
nerf的理论性介绍已经比较多了。 1.NERF介绍与优化
Mildenhall, B., Xiao, J., Barron, J.T., Chen, R., Radford, A., and Ng, R. 2020. NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis. In European Conference on Computer Vision (…
CVPR2023公布了12篇最佳论文候选文章。(直接点击标题可以查看原文~) Ego-Body Pose Estimation via Ego-Head Pose Estimation 单位:Stanford-----------关键词:姿态估计 3D Registration With Maximal Cliques 单位&…
题目:SplaTAM: Splat, Track & Map 3D Gaussians for Dense RGB-D SLAM 地址 机构:CMU(卡内基梅隆大学)、MIT(美国麻省理工) 总结:SplaTAM,一个新…
题目:SplaTAM: Splat, Track & Map 3D Gaussians for Dense RGB-D SLAM 地址 机构:CMU(卡内基梅隆大学)、MIT(美国麻省理工) 总结:SplaTAM,一个新…
Park K, Sinha U, Barron J T, et al. Nerfies: Deformable neural radiance fields[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021: 5865-5874. Nerfies 是 Keunhong Park 在 Google 实习时基于 NeRF 模型开发的 可变形神经辐射场 (Def…
NeRF in the Wild: Neural Radiance Fields for Unconstrained Photo Collections
1.【基础网络架构:Transformer】White-Box Transformers via Sparse Rate Reduction: Compression Is All There Is? 论文地址&am…
Singer U, Sheynin S, Polyak A, et al. Text-to-4d dynamic scene generation[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.11280, 2023. MAV3D 是 Meta AI 研究者们提出的一种从文本描述生成三维动态场景的方法。从所提供的文本生成的动态视频输出可以从任何摄像机位置和角度查看…
Pumarola A, Corona E, Pons-Moll G, et al. D-nerf: Neural radiance fields for dynamic scenes[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2021: 10318-10327. D-Nerf 较 NeRF 的改进 1 就是能够建模移动或变形的物体&#…
目录 前言NeRF神经辐射场体渲染连续体渲染体渲染离散化 方法位置编码分层采样体渲染推导公式(1)到公式(2)部分代码解读相机变换(重要!) Mip-NerfTo do Instant-NGPTo do 前言