Resolving the “address already in use“ Error in Server Deployment

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Resolving the “address already in use” Error in Server Deployment

When deploying a server, it’s not uncommon to encounter the “address already in use” error. This issue arises when a process doesn’t terminate correctly, or another process is unintentionally bound to the desired port. In this article, we’ll explore a step-by-step guide on how to address this issue and reclaim the port for your server.

The Problem

While automating the deployment of a server using Python and SSH, the following error might be observed:

Failed to listen listen tcp :8112: bind: address already in use
exit status 1

This indicates that port 8112 is occupied by some process.


To rectify this issue, follow these steps:

1. Identify the Process Bound to the Port

Use the lsof command to list the processes that are utilizing port 8112:

lsof -i :8112

The output should look something like:

server  12345 ubuntu    3u  IPv6  45678      0t0  TCP *:8112 (LISTEN)

From this output, the PID indicates the process ID, which is 12345 in our example.

2. Terminate the Process

Using the kill command, terminate the identified process:

kill -9 12345

The -9 flag sends the SIGKILL signal, which forces the process to stop instantly.

Note: You might also consider using the -15 flag (i.e., SIGTERM), which permits the process to gracefully shut down.

3. Verify

Run the lsof command again to ensure no process is occupying port 8112. If there’s no output, the port is free.

4. Restart the Server

Now that the port is available, you can re-run your server setup function, and it should function without any hitches.


By following these steps, you can easily resolve the “address already in use” error when deploying a server. Always remember to ensure ports are properly closed when shutting down servers or services to avoid such issues in the future.


  • How to resolve “address already in use” when a socket is not closed properly?
  • Address “already in use” error in API deployment using Apache
  • How to fix the error “Address already in use”
  • Address “already in use” error in Ethereum Geth Console


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