postgres源码解析56 Brin Index--3(update/delete/insert流程)

news/2024/7/9 21:05:51 标签: 数据库, c语言, postgresql

  经过前两篇文章对brin index的讲解, 对brin index的构建更深入的认识,这些内容是理解索引更新流程的重点,相关知识点见postgres源码解析54 Brin Index–1   postgres源码解析55 Brin Index–2(brinbuild流程)。由于brin index是块范围索引,因此在插入、更新或者删除操作时,并不会实时进行维护索引信息;如下图,插入12与删除12均不会影响第三个brin index,可能会对统计信息产生影响,并不会影响数据正确性。


只有插入或者更新的数据超出原brin index边界范围内,才会触发更新动作。涉及的重点函数为 brininsert --> brin_form_tuple --> brin_doupdate --> PageIndexTupleOverwrite


1 首先调用 brinRevmapInitialize函数初始brin index 映射页的访问对象BrinRevmap;
2 确定插入的heap元组落在哪个pagesPerRange,后续的更新操作均落在此页域中;
3 调用 brinGetTupleForHeapBlock获取该页域对应的磁盘形式brin index索引brtup;
4 如果brtup为空,退出循环
5 紧接着调用brin_deform_tuple函数将磁盘形式的brin index 转换成内存形式BrinMemTuple;
6 依次遍历索引元组的所有属性,判断插入堆元组数值是否落在索引元组区间内;如果在此区间内,设置标识need_insert 为false;如果超出此区间,则将发生变动的值更新至BrinMemTuple中,并设置标识need_insert 为true;
7 如果need_insert为false, 则释放锁资源;
8 调用 brin_copy_tuple函数拷贝brtup作为副本origtup,避免长时间持有锁;
9 然后将BrinMemTuple转换成磁盘形式brin index元组,判断是否可以同页更新,设置samepage标识;
10 释放缓冲块共享锁,调用brin_doupdate函数进行真正地更新操作;


该函数是将brin tuple从磁盘格式装换成内存格式,真正的实现函数为brin_deconstruct_tuple。
1 根据入参dMemtuple判断是否重用BrinMemTuple内存,可重用则只需进行简单地初始化工作,反之需要申请BrinMemTuple内存空间用于装载磁盘形式brin tuple数值信息。
2 获取tuple的数据域头部地址tp,判断tuple是否存在NULL值;若存在则需要获取tuple的bitmap地址nullbits;
3 调用brin_deconstruct_tuple函数将磁盘形式的brin tuple转换为内存形式。期执行流程如下:

 * brin_deconstruct_tuple
 *		Guts of attribute extraction from an on-disk BRIN tuple.
 * Its arguments are:
 *	brdesc		BRIN descriptor for the stored tuple
 *	tp			pointer to the tuple data area
 *	nullbits	pointer to the tuple nulls bitmask
 *	nulls		"has nulls" bit in tuple infomask
 *	values		output values, array of size brdesc->bd_totalstored
 *	allnulls	output "allnulls", size brdesc->bd_tupdesc->natts
 *	hasnulls	output "hasnulls", size brdesc->bd_tupdesc->natts
 * Output arrays must have been allocated by caller.
static inline void
brin_deconstruct_tuple(BrinDesc *brdesc,
					   char *tp, bits8 *nullbits, bool nulls,
					   Datum *values, bool *allnulls, bool *hasnulls)
	int			attnum;
	int			stored;
	TupleDesc	diskdsc;
	long		off;

	 * First iterate to natts to obtain both null flags for each attribute.
	 * Note that we reverse the sense of the att_isnull test, because we store
	 * 1 for a null value (rather than a 1 for a not null value as is the
	 * att_isnull convention used elsewhere.)  See brin_form_tuple.
	for (attnum = 0; attnum < brdesc->bd_tupdesc->natts; attnum++)
		 * the "all nulls" bit means that all values in the page range for
		 * this column are nulls.  Therefore there are no values in the tuple
		 * data area.
		allnulls[attnum] = nulls && !att_isnull(attnum, nullbits);

		 * the "has nulls" bit means that some tuples have nulls, but others
		 * have not-null values.  Therefore we know the tuple contains data
		 * for this column.
		 * The hasnulls bits follow the allnulls bits in the same bitmask.
		hasnulls[attnum] =
			nulls && !att_isnull(brdesc->bd_tupdesc->natts + attnum, nullbits);

	 * Iterate to obtain each attribute's stored values.  Note that since we
	 * may reuse attribute entries for more than one column, we cannot cache
	 * offsets here.
	diskdsc = brtuple_disk_tupdesc(brdesc);
	stored = 0;
	off = 0;
	for (attnum = 0; attnum < brdesc->bd_tupdesc->natts; attnum++)
		int			datumno;

		if (allnulls[attnum])
			stored += brdesc->bd_info[attnum]->oi_nstored;

		for (datumno = 0;
			 datumno < brdesc->bd_info[attnum]->oi_nstored;
			Form_pg_attribute thisatt = TupleDescAttr(diskdsc, stored);

			if (thisatt->attlen == -1)
				off = att_align_pointer(off, thisatt->attalign, -1,
										tp + off);
				/* not varlena, so safe to use att_align_nominal */
				off = att_align_nominal(off, thisatt->attalign);

			values[stored++] = fetchatt(thisatt, tp + off);

			off = att_addlength_pointer(off, thisatt->attlen, tp + off);


brin_doupdate 该函数的主要功能是更新旧元组,有两种场景,在同一页更新还是非同页更新
1 首先判断索引元组是否大于最大索引元组阈值,如果是则打印错误信息并返回false;
2 如果samepage为false,则找到可以容纳待插元组的索引页,并载入内存newbuf且设置extended标识;
 2)如果newbuf == oldbuf,说明oldbuf含有足够的空间容纳待插元组;
3 获取oldbuf的缓冲块排它锁,设置extended为false;
4 读取oldbuf对应的数据页oldpage和旧元组对应的item信息;
5 如果oldpage不是常规的索引页/item非法/item状态不正常,则释放排它锁,
  1.2释放newbuf上的锁资源(content lock和pin lock);
6 如果旧元组内容发生变化,则先释放oldbuf的缓冲块排它锁;
  1.2释放newbuf上的锁资源(content lock和pin lock);
7 如果是同页更新,则;
  1.2释放newbuf上的锁资源(content lock和pin lock);
8 如果newbuf无效,则释放oldbuf的缓冲块排它锁,返回false;
9 步骤7-8均不满足时,则说明oldpage没有空间容纳待插入元组,需要newbuf执行更新插入操作,流程如下:

PageIndexTupleOverwrite 函数

在Brin index页替换指定索引
1 首先进行安全性检查,判断索引页是否损坏或者元组偏移量offnum是否合法;
2 然后计算新元组与旧元组的尺寸大小size_diff,然后重新移动目标元组前的所有元组,并更新offset指针;
3 最后将新索引元组插入到更新后的offset位置。


 * PageIndexTupleOverwrite
 * Replace a specified tuple on an index page.
 * The new tuple is placed exactly where the old one had been, shifting
 * other tuples' data up or down as needed to keep the page compacted.
 * This is better than deleting and reinserting the tuple, because it
 * avoids any data shifting when the tuple size doesn't change; and
 * even when it does, we avoid moving the line pointers around.
 * Conceivably this could also be of use to an index AM that cares about
 * the physical order of tuples as well as their ItemId order.
 * If there's insufficient space for the new tuple, return false.  Other
 * errors represent data-corruption problems, so we just elog.
PageIndexTupleOverwrite(Page page, OffsetNumber offnum,
						Item newtup, Size newsize)
	PageHeader	phdr = (PageHeader) page;
	ItemId		tupid;
	int			oldsize;
	unsigned	offset;
	Size		alignednewsize;
	int			size_diff;
	int			itemcount;

	 * As with PageRepairFragmentation, paranoia seems justified.
	if (phdr->pd_lower < SizeOfPageHeaderData ||
		phdr->pd_lower > phdr->pd_upper ||
		phdr->pd_upper > phdr->pd_special ||
		phdr->pd_special > BLCKSZ ||
		phdr->pd_special != MAXALIGN(phdr->pd_special))
				 errmsg("corrupted page pointers: lower = %u, upper = %u, special = %u",
						phdr->pd_lower, phdr->pd_upper, phdr->pd_special)));

	itemcount = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
	if ((int) offnum <= 0 || (int) offnum > itemcount)
		elog(ERROR, "invalid index offnum: %u", offnum);

	tupid = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
	oldsize = ItemIdGetLength(tupid);
	offset = ItemIdGetOffset(tupid);

	if (offset < phdr->pd_upper || (offset + oldsize) > phdr->pd_special ||
		offset != MAXALIGN(offset))
				 errmsg("corrupted line pointer: offset = %u, size = %u",
						offset, (unsigned int) oldsize)));

	 * Determine actual change in space requirement, check for page overflow.
	oldsize = MAXALIGN(oldsize);
	alignednewsize = MAXALIGN(newsize);
	if (alignednewsize > oldsize + (phdr->pd_upper - phdr->pd_lower))
		return false;

	 * Relocate existing data and update line pointers, unless the new tuple
	 * is the same size as the old (after alignment), in which case there's
	 * nothing to do.  Notice that what we have to relocate is data before the
	 * target tuple, not data after, so it's convenient to express size_diff
	 * as the amount by which the tuple's size is decreasing, making it the
	 * delta to add to pd_upper and affected line pointers.
	size_diff = oldsize - (int) alignednewsize;
	if (size_diff != 0)
		char	   *addr = (char *) page + phdr->pd_upper;
		int			i;

		/* relocate all tuple data before the target tuple */
		memmove(addr + size_diff, addr, offset - phdr->pd_upper);

		/* adjust free space boundary pointer */
		phdr->pd_upper += size_diff;

		/* adjust affected line pointers too */
		for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= itemcount; i++)
			ItemId		ii = PageGetItemId(phdr, i);

			/* Allow items without storage; currently only BRIN needs that */
			if (ItemIdHasStorage(ii) && ItemIdGetOffset(ii) <= offset)
				ii->lp_off += size_diff;

	/* Update the item's tuple length (other fields shouldn't change) */
	ItemIdSetNormal(tupid, offset + size_diff, newsize);

	/* Copy new tuple data onto page */
	memcpy(PageGetItem(page, tupid), newtup, newsize);

	return true;


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