postgresql源码学习(52)—— vacuum①-准备工作与主要流程


一、 准备知识


1. VacuumStmt结构体


/* ----------------------
 *      Vacuum and Analyze Statements
 * Even though these are nominally two statements, it's convenient to use
 * just one node type for both.
 * ----------------------
typedef struct VacuumStmt
    NodeTag     type;
    List       *options;        /* list of DefElem nodes,详情参考下方 */
    List       *rels;           /* list of VacuumRelation, or NIL for all,待操作的表,为空表示所有表,详情参考下方*/
    bool        is_vacuumcmd;   /* true for VACUUM, false for ANALYZE,区分是vacuum还是analyze语句 */
} VacuumStmt;

2. VacuumRelation结构体

就是前面的 List       *rels; 待操作的表信息,包括表名、oid、列名等

 * Info about a single target table of VACUUM/ANALYZE.
 * If the OID field is set, it always identifies the table to process.
 * Then the relation field can be NULL; if it isn't, it's used only to report
 * failure to open/lock the relation.
typedef struct VacuumRelation
    NodeTag     type;
    RangeVar   *relation;       /* table name to process, or NULL */
    Oid         oid;            /* table's OID; InvalidOid if not looked up */
    List       *va_cols;        /* list of column names, or NIL for all */
} VacuumRelation;

3. VacuumParams结构体


 * Parameters customizing behavior of VACUUM and ANALYZE.
 * Note that at least one of VACOPT_VACUUM and VACOPT_ANALYZE must be set
 * in options.
typedef struct VacuumParams
    bits32      options;        /* bitmask of VACOPT_*,下面会详细介绍 */
    int         freeze_min_age; /* min freeze age, -1 to use default */
    int         freeze_table_age;   /* age at which to scan whole table */
    int         multixact_freeze_min_age;   /* min multixact freeze age, -1 to
                                             * use default */
    int         multixact_freeze_table_age; /* multixact age at which to scan
                                             * whole table */
    bool        is_wraparound;  /* force a for-wraparound vacuum,强制进行用于事务回卷的vacuum? */
    int         log_min_duration;   /* minimum execution threshold in ms at  which  verbose logs are activated, -1 to use default,执行超过该时间被记录至日志,单位为ms */
    VacOptValue index_cleanup;  /* Do index vacuum and cleanup,进行索引vacuum和清理 */
    VacOptValue truncate;       /* Truncate empty pages at the end,truncate末端空页 */

     * The number of parallel vacuum workers.  0 by default which means choose
     * based on the number of indexes.  -1 indicates parallel vacuum is
     * disabled. 并行vacuum workers数
    int         nworkers;
} VacuumParams;

4. VacuumParams->options标记位

这也是最前面VacuumStmt结构体的List       *options;

/* flag bits for VacuumParams->options */
#define VACOPT_VACUUM 0x01      /* do VACUUM */
#define VACOPT_ANALYZE 0x02     /* do ANALYZE */
#define VACOPT_VERBOSE 0x04     /* print progress info */
#define VACOPT_FREEZE 0x08      /* FREEZE option */
#define VACOPT_FULL 0x10        /* FULL (non-concurrent) vacuum */
#define VACOPT_SKIP_LOCKED 0x20 /* skip if cannot get lock */
#define VACOPT_PROCESS_TOAST 0x40   /* process the TOAST table, if any */
#define VACOPT_DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING 0x80   /* don't skip any pages */

二、 ExecVacuum()函数



  • ParseState:解析阶段生成的语句,其定义在parse_node.h
  • VacuumStmt:vacuum和analyze的语句,参考前面
  • isTopLevel:是否为顶层语句
 * Primary entry point for manual VACUUM and ANALYZE commands
 * This is mainly a preparation wrapper for the real operations that will
 * happen in vacuum().
ExecVacuum(ParseState *pstate, VacuumStmt *vacstmt, bool isTopLevel)
    VacuumParams params;
    bool        verbose = false;
    bool        skip_locked = false;
    bool        analyze = false;
    bool        freeze = false;
    bool        full = false;
    bool        disable_page_skipping = false;
    bool        process_toast = true;
    ListCell   *lc;

    /* index_cleanup and truncate values unspecified for now */
    params.index_cleanup = VACOPTVALUE_UNSPECIFIED;
    params.truncate = VACOPTVALUE_UNSPECIFIED;

    /* By default parallel vacuum is enabled */
    params.nworkers = 0;

    /* Parse options list,解析vacuum和analyze命令参数列表 */
    foreach(lc, vacstmt->options)
        DefElem    *opt = (DefElem *) lfirst(lc);

        /* Parse common options for VACUUM and ANALYZE,通用参数项verbose,skip_locked */
        if (strcmp(opt->defname, "verbose") == 0)
            verbose = defGetBoolean(opt);
        else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "skip_locked") == 0)
            skip_locked = defGetBoolean(opt);
        else if (!vacstmt->is_vacuumcmd)
                     errmsg("unrecognized ANALYZE option \"%s\"", opt->defname),
                     parser_errposition(pstate, opt->location)));

        /* Parse options available on VACUUM
vacuum专用参数:analyze, freeze, full, disable_page_skipping, index_cleanup, process_toast,truncate,parallel */
        else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "analyze") == 0)
            analyze = defGetBoolean(opt);
        else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "freeze") == 0)
            freeze = defGetBoolean(opt);
        else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "full") == 0)
            full = defGetBoolean(opt);
        else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "disable_page_skipping") == 0)
            disable_page_skipping = defGetBoolean(opt);
        else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "index_cleanup") == 0)
            /* Interpret no string as the default, which is 'auto' */
            if (!opt->arg)
                params.index_cleanup = VACOPTVALUE_AUTO;
                char       *sval = defGetString(opt);

                /* Try matching on 'auto' string, or fall back on boolean */
                if (pg_strcasecmp(sval, "auto") == 0)
                    params.index_cleanup = VACOPTVALUE_AUTO;
                    params.index_cleanup = get_vacoptval_from_boolean(opt);
        else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "process_toast") == 0)
            process_toast = defGetBoolean(opt);
        else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "truncate") == 0)
            params.truncate = get_vacoptval_from_boolean(opt);
        else if (strcmp(opt->defname, "parallel") == 0)
            if (opt->arg == NULL)
                         errmsg("parallel option requires a value between 0 and %d",
                         parser_errposition(pstate, opt->location)));
                int         nworkers;

                nworkers = defGetInt32(opt);
                if (nworkers < 0 || nworkers > MAX_PARALLEL_WORKER_LIMIT)
                             errmsg("parallel workers for vacuum must be between 0 and %d",
                             parser_errposition(pstate, opt->location)));

                 * Disable parallel vacuum, if user has specified parallel
                 * degree as zero.
                if (nworkers == 0)
                    params.nworkers = -1;
                    params.nworkers = nworkers;
                     errmsg("unrecognized VACUUM option \"%s\"", opt->defname),
                     parser_errposition(pstate, opt->location)));

    /* Set vacuum options,设置vacuum选项 */
    params.options =
        (vacstmt->is_vacuumcmd ? VACOPT_VACUUM : VACOPT_ANALYZE) |
        (verbose ? VACOPT_VERBOSE : 0) |
        (skip_locked ? VACOPT_SKIP_LOCKED : 0) |
        (analyze ? VACOPT_ANALYZE : 0) |
        (freeze ? VACOPT_FREEZE : 0) |
        (full ? VACOPT_FULL : 0) |
        (disable_page_skipping ? VACOPT_DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING : 0) |
        (process_toast ? VACOPT_PROCESS_TOAST : 0);

    /* sanity checks on options,检查vacuum选项*/
    Assert(params.options & (VACOPT_VACUUM | VACOPT_ANALYZE));
    Assert((params.options & VACOPT_VACUUM) ||
           !(params.options & (VACOPT_FULL | VACOPT_FREEZE)));

    if ((params.options & VACOPT_FULL) && params.nworkers > 0)
                 errmsg("VACUUM FULL cannot be performed in parallel")));

     * Make sure VACOPT_ANALYZE is specified if any column lists are present. 如果语句中出现了column list,需要确保声明了analyze选项
    if (!(params.options & VACOPT_ANALYZE))
        ListCell   *lc;

        foreach(lc, vacstmt->rels)
            VacuumRelation *vrel = lfirst_node(VacuumRelation, lc);

            if (vrel->va_cols != NIL)
                         errmsg("ANALYZE option must be specified when a column list is provided")));

     * All freeze ages are zero if the FREEZE option is given; otherwise pass
     * them as -1 which means to use the default values.
    if (params.options & VACOPT_FREEZE)
        params.freeze_min_age = 0;
        params.freeze_table_age = 0;
        params.multixact_freeze_min_age = 0;
        params.multixact_freeze_table_age = 0;
        params.freeze_min_age = -1;
        params.freeze_table_age = -1;
        params.multixact_freeze_min_age = -1;
        params.multixact_freeze_table_age = -1;

    /* user-invoked vacuum is never "for wraparound" */
    params.is_wraparound = false;

    /* user-invoked vacuum never uses this parameter */
    params.log_min_duration = -1;

    /* Now go through the common routine,核心内容,调用vacuum函数 */
    vacuum(vacstmt->rels, &params, NULL, isTopLevel);

三、 vacuum()函数

       VACUUM 和ANALYZE命令的内部入口。进行一些预检查、内存上下文分配与切换、构造待处理relation list,并确定是否要use_own_xacts,核心是调用vacuum_relanalyze_rel函数对每个表进行处理


  • relations:参考前面VacuumRelation。如果非空,表示指定要vacuum什么表,否则会处理db中的所有表。如果提供了OID,将处理该oid对应的表,否则由VacuumRelation的RangeVar参数(表名)指示。
  • params:参考前面
  • bstrategy:buffer的访问策略,通常是NULL,但在autovacuum中会被传值,用以在多个vacuum()函数使用相同策略
  • isTopLevel:由ProcessUtility函数传入


 * Internal entry point for VACUUM and ANALYZE commands.
 * relations, if not NIL, is a list of VacuumRelation to process; otherwise,
 * we process all relevant tables in the database.  For each VacuumRelation,
 * if a valid OID is supplied, the table with that OID is what to process;
 * otherwise, the VacuumRelation's RangeVar indicates what to process.
 * params contains a set of parameters that can be used to customize the
 * behavior.
 * bstrategy is normally given as NULL, but in autovacuum it can be passed
 * in to use the same buffer strategy object across multiple vacuum() calls.
 * isTopLevel should be passed down from ProcessUtility.
 * It is the caller's responsibility that all parameters are allocated in a
 * memory context that will not disappear at transaction commit.
vacuum(List *relations, VacuumParams *params,
       BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy, bool isTopLevel)
    static bool in_vacuum = false;

    const char *stmttype;
    volatile bool in_outer_xact,

    Assert(params != NULL);

    stmttype = (params->options & VACOPT_VACUUM) ? "VACUUM" : "ANALYZE";

     * We cannot run VACUUM inside a user transaction block; if we were inside
     * a transaction, then our commit- and start-transaction-command calls
     * would not have the intended effect!  There are numerous other subtle
     * dependencies on this, too.
     * ANALYZE (without VACUUM) can run either way.
      * 不能在事务块在运行vacuum,但可以运行analyze
    if (params->options & VACOPT_VACUUM)
        PreventInTransactionBlock(isTopLevel, stmttype);
        in_outer_xact = false;
        in_outer_xact = IsInTransactionBlock(isTopLevel);

     * Due to static variables vac_context, anl_context and vac_strategy,
     * vacuum() is not reentrant.  This matters when VACUUM FULL or ANALYZE
     * calls a hostile index expression that itself calls ANALYZE.
    if (in_vacuum)
                 errmsg("%s cannot be executed from VACUUM or ANALYZE",

     * Sanity check DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING option.
    if ((params->options & VACOPT_FULL) != 0 &&
        (params->options & VACOPT_DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING) != 0)
                 errmsg("VACUUM option DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING cannot be used with FULL")));

    /* sanity check for PROCESS_TOAST */
    if ((params->options & VACOPT_FULL) != 0 &&
        (params->options & VACOPT_PROCESS_TOAST) == 0)
                 errmsg("PROCESS_TOAST required with VACUUM FULL")));

     * Send info about dead objects to the statistics collector, unless we are
     * in autovacuum --- autovacuum.c does this for itself.
    if ((params->options & VACOPT_VACUUM) && !IsAutoVacuumWorkerProcess())


     * Create special memory context for cross-transaction storage.
     * Since it is a child of PortalContext, it will go away eventually even
     * if we suffer an error; there's no need for special abort cleanup logic.
    vac_context = AllocSetContextCreate(PortalContext,

     * If caller didn't give us a buffer strategy object, make one in the
     * cross-transaction memory context.
    if (bstrategy == NULL)
        MemoryContext old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(vac_context);

        bstrategy = GetAccessStrategy(BAS_VACUUM);
    vac_strategy = bstrategy;


     * Build list of relation(s) to process, putting any new data in
     * vac_context for safekeeping.
    if (relations != NIL)
        List       *newrels = NIL;
        ListCell   *lc;

        foreach(lc, relations)
            VacuumRelation *vrel = lfirst_node(VacuumRelation, lc);
            List       *sublist;
            MemoryContext old_context;

            sublist = expand_vacuum_rel(vrel, params->options);
            old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(vac_context);
            newrels = list_concat(newrels, sublist);
        relations = newrels;
        relations = get_all_vacuum_rels(params->options);




  • autovacuum worker进程处理,需要use_own_xacts,以便尽快释放锁。
  • 如果在一个事务块内部,则无法use_own_xacts。
  • 如果操作多个表而又不在一个事务块中,需要use_own_xacts,以便尽快释放锁。
  • 如果只操作一个表,没有必要use_own_xacts。
     * Decide whether we need to start/commit our own transactions.
     * For VACUUM (with or without ANALYZE): always do so, so that we can
     * release locks as soon as possible.  (We could possibly use the outer
     * transaction for a one-table VACUUM, but handling TOAST tables would be
     * problematic.)
     * For ANALYZE (no VACUUM): if inside a transaction block, we cannot
     * start/commit our own transactions.  Also, there's no need to do so if
     * only processing one relation.  For multiple relations when not within a
     * transaction block, and also in an autovacuum worker, use own
     * transactions so we can release locks sooner.
    if (params->options & VACOPT_VACUUM)
        use_own_xacts = true;
        Assert(params->options & VACOPT_ANALYZE);
        if (IsAutoVacuumWorkerProcess())
            use_own_xacts = true;
        else if (in_outer_xact)
            use_own_xacts = false;
        else if (list_length(relations) > 1)
            use_own_xacts = true;
            use_own_xacts = false;

     * vacuum_rel expects to be entered with no transaction active; it will
     * start and commit its own transaction.  But we are called by an SQL
     * command, and so we are executing inside a transaction already. We
     * commit the transaction started in PostgresMain() here, and start
     * another one before exiting to match the commit waiting for us back in
     * PostgresMain().
    if (use_own_xacts)

        /* ActiveSnapshot is not set by autovacuum */
        if (ActiveSnapshotSet())

        /* matches the StartTransaction in PostgresMain() */


 /* Turn vacuum cost accounting on or off, and set/clear in_vacuum */
        ListCell   *cur;

        in_vacuum = true;
        VacuumCostActive = (VacuumCostDelay > 0);
        VacuumCostBalance = 0;
        VacuumPageHit = 0;
        VacuumPageMiss = 0;
        VacuumPageDirty = 0;
        VacuumCostBalanceLocal = 0;
        VacuumSharedCostBalance = NULL;
        VacuumActiveNWorkers = NULL;

         * Loop to process each selected relation. 循环处理每个表
        foreach(cur, relations)
            VacuumRelation *vrel = lfirst_node(VacuumRelation, cur);

            if (params->options & VACOPT_VACUUM)
                if (!vacuum_rel(vrel->oid, vrel->relation, params))

            if (params->options & VACOPT_ANALYZE)
                 * If using separate xacts, start one for analyze. Otherwise,
                 * we can use the outer transaction.
                if (use_own_xacts)
                    /* functions in indexes may want a snapshot set */

                analyze_rel(vrel->oid, vrel->relation, params,
                            vrel->va_cols, in_outer_xact, vac_strategy);

                if (use_own_xacts)
                     * If we're not using separate xacts, better separate the
                     * ANALYZE actions with CCIs.  This avoids trouble if user
                     * says "ANALYZE t, t".
        in_vacuum = false;
        VacuumCostActive = false;

     * Clean up working storage --- note we must do this after
     * StartTransactionCommand, else we might be trying to delete the active
     * context!
    vac_context = NULL;


三、 vacuum_rel()函数

       vacuum分为两类——常规vacuumlazy vacuum)与full vacuum,本函数的核心就是调用函数进行lazy vacuumtable_relation_vacuum函数)或者full vacuumcluster_rel函数)。


 *  vacuum_rel() -- vacuum one heap relation
 *      Returns true if it's okay to proceed with a requested ANALYZE
 *      operation on this table.
 *      At entry and exit, we are not inside a transaction.
static bool
vacuum_rel(Oid relid, RangeVar *relation, VacuumParams *params)
    LOCKMODE    lmode;
    Relation    rel;
    LockRelId   lockrelid;
    Oid         toast_relid;
    Oid         save_userid;
    int         save_sec_context;
    int         save_nestlevel;

    Assert(params != NULL);

    /* Begin a transaction for vacuuming this relation */
     * Determine the type of lock we want --- hard exclusive lock for a FULL
     * vacuum, but just ShareUpdateExclusiveLock for concurrent vacuum. Either
     * way, we can be sure that no other backend is vacuuming the same table.
    lmode = (params->options & VACOPT_FULL) ?
        AccessExclusiveLock : ShareUpdateExclusiveLock;

    /* open the relation and get the appropriate lock on it */
    rel = vacuum_open_relation(relid, relation, params->options,
                               params->log_min_duration >= 0, lmode);

    /* leave if relation could not be opened or locked */
    if (!rel)
        return false;
  • 检查用户权限,是否需要跳过该表vacuum
  • 检查表是否可以vacuum
  • 跳过其他进程的temp表
  • 跳过分区表,分区表的vacuum应该针对它们的子表(已加入处理队列中)
     * Check if relation needs to be skipped based on ownership.
    if (!vacuum_is_relation_owner(RelationGetRelid(rel),
                                  params->options & VACOPT_VACUUM))
        relation_close(rel, lmode);
        return false;

     * Check that it's of a vacuumable relkind.
    if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
        rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_MATVIEW &&
        rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_TOASTVALUE &&
        rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
                (errmsg("skipping \"%s\" --- cannot vacuum non-tables or special system tables",
        relation_close(rel, lmode);
        return false;

     * Silently ignore tables that are temp tables of other backends
        relation_close(rel, lmode);
        return false;

     * Silently ignore partitioned tables as there is no work to be done.  The
     * useful work is on their child partitions, which have been queued up for
     * us separately.
    if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
        relation_close(rel, lmode);
        /* It's OK to proceed with ANALYZE on this table */
        return true;
  • 获取会话级锁,主要是用于vacuum toast表
  • 设置index_cleanup、truncate选项
  • 如果调用者要求处理toast表,非full模式下,获取其relid;full模式下,cluster_rel函数会自动重建toast表,因此不需要重复处理
     * Get a session-level lock too. This will protect our access to the
     * relation across multiple transactions, so that we can vacuum the
     * relation's TOAST table (if any) secure in the knowledge that no one is
     * deleting the parent relation.
     * NOTE: this cannot block, even if someone else is waiting for access,
     * because the lock manager knows that both lock requests are from the
     * same process.
    lockrelid = rel->rd_lockInfo.lockRelId;
    LockRelationIdForSession(&lockrelid, lmode);

     * Set index_cleanup option based on index_cleanup reloption if it wasn't
     * specified in VACUUM command, or when running in an autovacuum worker
    if (params->index_cleanup == VACOPTVALUE_UNSPECIFIED)
        StdRdOptIndexCleanup vacuum_index_cleanup;

        if (rel->rd_options == NULL)
            vacuum_index_cleanup = STDRD_OPTION_VACUUM_INDEX_CLEANUP_AUTO;
            vacuum_index_cleanup =
                ((StdRdOptions *) rel->rd_options)->vacuum_index_cleanup;

        if (vacuum_index_cleanup == STDRD_OPTION_VACUUM_INDEX_CLEANUP_AUTO)
            params->index_cleanup = VACOPTVALUE_AUTO;
        else if (vacuum_index_cleanup == STDRD_OPTION_VACUUM_INDEX_CLEANUP_ON)
            params->index_cleanup = VACOPTVALUE_ENABLED;
            Assert(vacuum_index_cleanup ==
            params->index_cleanup = VACOPTVALUE_DISABLED;

     * Set truncate option based on truncate reloption if it wasn't specified
     * in VACUUM command, or when running in an autovacuum worker
    if (params->truncate == VACOPTVALUE_UNSPECIFIED)
        if (rel->rd_options == NULL ||
            ((StdRdOptions *) rel->rd_options)->vacuum_truncate)
            params->truncate = VACOPTVALUE_ENABLED;
            params->truncate = VACOPTVALUE_DISABLED;

     * Remember the relation's TOAST relation for later, if the caller asked
     * us to process it.  In VACUUM FULL, though, the toast table is
     * automatically rebuilt by cluster_rel so we shouldn't recurse to it.
    if ((params->options & VACOPT_PROCESS_TOAST) != 0 &&
        (params->options & VACOPT_FULL) == 0)
        toast_relid = rel->rd_rel->reltoastrelid;
        toast_relid = InvalidOid;

       核心工作——进行lazy vacuumtable_relation_vacuum函数)或者full vacuumcluster_rel函数)。如果该表有toast表,会对toast表再调用vacuum_rel函数。

     * Do the actual work --- either FULL or "lazy" vacuum
    if (params->options & VACOPT_FULL)
        ClusterParams cluster_params = {0};

        /* close relation before vacuuming, but hold lock until commit */
        relation_close(rel, NoLock);
        rel = NULL;

        if ((params->options & VACOPT_VERBOSE) != 0)
            cluster_params.options |= CLUOPT_VERBOSE;

        /* VACUUM FULL is now a variant of CLUSTER; see cluster.c */
        cluster_rel(relid, InvalidOid, &cluster_params);
        table_relation_vacuum(rel, params, vac_strategy);

    /* Roll back any GUC changes executed by index functions */
    AtEOXact_GUC(false, save_nestlevel);

    /* Restore userid and security context */
    SetUserIdAndSecContext(save_userid, save_sec_context);

    /* all done with this class, but hold lock until commit */
    if (rel)
        relation_close(rel, NoLock);

     * Complete the transaction and free all temporary memory used.

     * If the relation has a secondary toast rel, vacuum that too while we
     * still hold the session lock on the main table.  Note however that
     * "analyze" will not get done on the toast table.  This is good, because
     * the toaster always uses hardcoded index access and statistics are
     * totally unimportant for toast relations.
    if (toast_relid != InvalidOid)
        vacuum_rel(toast_relid, NULL, params);

     * Now release the session-level lock on the main table.
    UnlockRelationIdForSession(&lockrelid, lmode);

    /* Report that we really did it. */
    return true;

       后面,我们继续学习lazy vacuum(table_relation_vacuum函数)与full vacuum(cluster_rel函数)。



PostgreSQL 源码解读(125)- MVCC#9(vacuum-主流程)_ITPUB博客

PostgreSQL 源码解读(126)- MVCC#10(vacuum过程)_ITPUB博客



抱歉&#xff0c;3题只有前2题&#xff0c;第三题投入产出比太低&#xff0c;就不做了 一&#xff0c;移动棋子 4797. 移动棋子 - AcWing题库 题目 难度&#xff1a;简单 思路 直接套dfs模板&#xff0c;起点通过输入时得到&#xff0c;终点&#xff08;3&#xff0c;3&am…


博主前些天发现了一个巨牛的人工智能学习网站&#xff0c;通俗易懂&#xff0c;风趣幽默&#xff0c;忍不住也分享一下给大家 &#x1f449;点击跳转到教程 一、Kotlin的可空性 null 在java中我们司空见惯的空指针异常NullPointerException,带给了我们很多麻烦。 Kotlin作为更强…

MySQL 数据库 数据完整性



牙叔教程 简单易懂 上一节讲了列表和长按事件 autojs模仿QQ长按弹窗菜单 今天讲弹窗菜单 由粗到细, 自顶向下的写代码 我们现在要修改的文件是showMenuWindow.js function showMenuWindow(view) {let popMenuWindow ui.inflateXml(view.getContext(),<column><bu…


目录 1、左值引用的缺陷 2、移动构造&#xff1a;解决临时对象的深拷贝 3、拓展&#xff1a;移动赋值 1、左值引用的缺陷 左值引用作为函数参数传递&#xff0c;减少了参数拷贝&#xff1b;但是作为函数返回值&#xff0c;并不适用于所有场景&#xff0c;比如要返回一个临…


是对QT的分析&#xff0c;不仅局限于QT。 二者区别 天下文章一大抄&#xff0c;技术也一样。MFC是对Windows系统API进行的封装&#xff0c;是以视类与文档类为核心的框架设计。微软20年前就已经把MVC玩的很6了&#xff0c;还有控件、动态库等等技术都是微软爸爸先搞出来的。若…


积分饱和现象所谓积分饱和现象是指若系统存在一个方向的偏差&#xff0c;PID 控制器的输出由于积分作用的不断累加而加大&#xff0c;从而导致执行机构达到极限位置Xmax(例如阀门开度达到最大)&#xff0c;如图所示&#xff0c;若控制器输出u(k)继续增大&#xff0c;阀门开度不…

