postgresql 之 ilist

news/2024/7/9 22:45:38 标签: postgresql


postgresql本身的库中实现了单向链表和双向链表,涉及文件src/include/lib/ilist.hsrc/backend/lib/ilist.c, 绝大部分功能都在ilist.h中实现。


2.1 双向链表

2.1.1 结构定义

typedef struct dlist_node dlist_node;
struct dlist_node
	dlist_node *prev;
	dlist_node *next;

 * Head of a doubly linked list.
 * Non-empty lists are internally circularly linked.  Circular lists have the
 * advantage of not needing any branches in the most common list manipulations.
 * An empty list can also be represented as a pair of NULL pointers, making
 * initialization easier.
typedef struct dlist_head
	 * either points to the first element of the list; to &head if
	 * it's a circular empty list; or to NULL if empty and not circular.
	 * head.prev either points to the last element of the list; to &head if
	 * it's a circular empty list; or to NULL if empty and not circular.
	dlist_node	head;
} dlist_head;

2.1.2 迭代器

 * Doubly linked list iterator.
 * Used as state in dlist_foreach() and dlist_reverse_foreach(). To get the
 * current element of the iteration use the 'cur' member.
 * Iterations using this are *not* allowed to change the list while iterating!
 * NB: We use an extra "end" field here to avoid multiple evaluations of
 * arguments in the dlist_foreach() macro.
typedef struct dlist_iter
	dlist_node *cur;			/* current element */
	dlist_node *end;			/* last node we'll iterate to */
} dlist_iter;

 * Doubly linked list iterator allowing some modifications while iterating.
 * Used as state in dlist_foreach_modify(). To get the current element of the
 * iteration use the 'cur' member.
 * Iterations using this are only allowed to change the list at the current
 * point of iteration. It is fine to delete the current node, but it is *not*
 * fine to insert or delete adjacent nodes.
 * NB: We need a separate type for mutable iterations so that we can store
 * the 'next' node of the current node in case it gets deleted or modified.
typedef struct dlist_mutable_iter
	dlist_node *cur;			/* current element */
	dlist_node *next;			/* next node we'll iterate to */
	dlist_node *end;			/* last node we'll iterate to */
} dlist_mutable_iter;

2.2 单向链表

2.2.1 结构定义

 * Node of a singly linked list.
 * Embed this in structs that need to be part of a singly linked list.
typedef struct slist_node slist_node;
struct slist_node
	slist_node *next;

 * Head of a singly linked list.
 * Singly linked lists are not circularly linked, in contrast to doubly linked
 * lists; we just set to NULL if empty.  This doesn't incur any
 * additional branches in the usual manipulations.
typedef struct slist_head
	slist_node	head;
} slist_head;

2.2.2 迭代器

 * Singly linked list iterator.
 * Used as state in slist_foreach(). To get the current element of the
 * iteration use the 'cur' member.
 * It's allowed to modify the list while iterating, with the exception of
 * deleting the iterator's current node; deletion of that node requires
 * care if the iteration is to be continued afterward.  (Doing so and also
 * deleting or inserting adjacent list elements might misbehave; also, if
 * the user frees the current node's storage, continuing the iteration is
 * not safe.)
 * NB: this wouldn't really need to be an extra struct, we could use an
 * slist_node * directly. We prefer a separate type for consistency.
typedef struct slist_iter
	slist_node *cur;
} slist_iter;

 * Singly linked list iterator allowing some modifications while iterating.
 * Used as state in slist_foreach_modify(). To get the current element of the
 * iteration use the 'cur' member.
 * The only list modification allowed while iterating is to remove the current
 * node via slist_delete_current() (*not* slist_delete()).  Insertion or
 * deletion of nodes adjacent to the current node would misbehave.
typedef struct slist_mutable_iter
	slist_node *cur;			/* current element */
	slist_node *next;			/* next node we'll iterate to */
	slist_node *prev;			/* prev node, for deletions */
} slist_mutable_iter;

三、 API

3.1 双向链表

 * Initialize a doubly linked list.
 * Previous state will be thrown away without any cleanup.
static inline void dlist_init(dlist_head *head);

 * Is the list empty?
 * An empty list has either its first 'next' pointer set to NULL, or to itself.
static inline bool dlist_is_empty(dlist_head *head);

 * Insert a node at the beginning of the list.
static inline void dlist_push_head(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node);

 * Insert a node at the end of the list.
static inline void dlist_push_tail(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node);

 * Insert a node after another *in the same list*
static inline void
dlist_insert_after(dlist_node *after, dlist_node *node);

 * Insert a node before another *in the same list*
static inline void
dlist_insert_before(dlist_node *before, dlist_node *node);

 * Delete 'node' from its list (it must be in one).
static inline void dlist_delete(dlist_node *node);

 * Remove and return the first node from a list (there must be one).
static inline dlist_node *dlist_pop_head_node(dlist_head *head);

 * Move element from its current position in the list to the head position in
 * the same list.
 * Undefined behaviour if 'node' is not already part of the list.
static inline void dlist_move_head(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node);

 * Move element from its current position in the list to the tail position in
 * the same list.
 * Undefined behaviour if 'node' is not already part of the list.
static inline void dlist_move_tail(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node);

 * Check whether 'node' has a following node.
 * Caution: unreliable if 'node' is not in the list.
static inline bool dlist_has_next(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node);

 * Check whether 'node' has a preceding node.
 * Caution: unreliable if 'node' is not in the list.
static inline bool dlist_has_prev(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node);
 * Return the next node in the list (there must be one).
static inline dlist_node * dlist_next_node(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node);

 * Return previous node in the list (there must be one).
static inline dlist_node * dlist_prev_node(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node);

/* internal support function to get address of head element's struct */
static inline void * dlist_head_element_off(dlist_head *head, size_t off);

 * Return the first node in the list (there must be one).
static inline dlist_node * dlist_head_node(dlist_head *head);

/* internal support function to get address of tail element's struct */
static inline void * dlist_tail_element_off(dlist_head *head, size_t off);

 * Return the last node in the list (there must be one).
static inline dlist_node * dlist_tail_node(dlist_head *head);

3.2 单向链表

 * Initialize a singly linked list.
 * Previous state will be thrown away without any cleanup.
static inline void slist_init(slist_head *head);

 * Is the list empty?
static inline bool slist_is_empty(slist_head *head);

 * Insert a node at the beginning of the list.
static inline void slist_push_head(slist_head *head, slist_node *node);

 * Insert a node after another *in the same list*
static inline void slist_insert_after(slist_node *after, slist_node *node);

 * Remove and return the first node from a list (there must be one).
static inline slist_node * slist_pop_head_node(slist_head *head);

 * Check whether 'node' has a following node.
static inline bool slist_has_next(slist_head *head, slist_node *node);

 * Return the next node in the list (there must be one).
static inline slist_node * slist_next_node(slist_head *head, slist_node *node);

/* internal support function to get address of head element's struct */
static inline void * slist_head_element_off(slist_head *head, size_t off);

 * Return the first node in the list (there must be one).
static inline slist_node * slist_head_node(slist_head *head);

 * Delete the list element the iterator currently points to.
 * Caution: this modifies iter->cur, so don't use that again in the current
 * loop iteration.
static inline void slist_delete_current(slist_mutable_iter *iter);


  1. 都是短小精干的内联函数,内嵌到调用方,没有函数调用的消耗

  2. 设计精妙,考虑周到,避免意外

     * Insert a node at the beginning of the list.
    static inline void
    dlist_push_head(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node)
    	if (head-> == NULL)	/* convert NULL header to circular */
    	node->next = head->;
    	node->prev = &head->head;
    	node->next->prev = node;
    	head-> = node;



    dlist_head head;
    memset(&head, 0, sizeof(head));
    // dlist_init(&head);
    dlist_node *node = malloc(sizeof(node));
    dlist_push_head(&head, node);

    如果没有if判断,将导致这个链表被破坏,不是双向链表,后续对这个链表的操作将出现意想不到的问题,比如崩溃,可能是其他地方使用这个链表,这样范围扩大,更不好排查问题 😦

  3. 函数功能基础且强大,可以搭积木构建新模型

比如 如下两个函数组合就可以构建一个链式的栈模型。

static inline void dlist_push_head(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node); //入栈
static inline dlist_node *dlist_pop_head_node(dlist_head *head); //出栈
static inline dlist_node * dlist_head_node(dlist_head *head); //查看栈顶元素

比如 如下两个函数组合就可以构建一个链式的队列模型。

static inline void dlist_push_tail(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node); //入队
static inline dlist_node *dlist_pop_head_node(dlist_head *head); //出队

比如 如下组合就可以构建一个LRU的队列

static inline void dlist_push_head(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node); //入队

#define dlist_foreach(iter, lhead)		...

static inline void dlist_move_head(dlist_head *head, dlist_node *node); //将当前访问的节点移动到队头

static inline dlist_node * dlist_tail_node(dlist_head *head);
static inline void dlist_delete(dlist_node *node);
  1. 代码注释详细,并且还带有一些使用的注意事项
 * Remove and return the first node from a list (there must be one).
static inline dlist_node *
dlist_pop_head_node(dlist_head *head)
	dlist_node *node;

	node = head->;
	return node;




#define Assert(condition)	((void)true)

#elif defined(FRONTEND)

#include <assert.h>
#define Assert(p) assert(p)

#else							/* USE_ASSERT_CHECKING && !FRONTEND */

#define Assert(condition) \
	do { \
		if (!(condition)) \
			ExceptionalCondition(#condition, "FailedAssertion", \
								 __FILE__, __LINE__); \
	} while (0)

#endif							/* USE_ASSERT_CHECKING && !FRONTEND */

# Enable assert checks
PGAC_ARG_BOOL(enable, cassert, no, [enable assertion checks (for debugging)],
              [AC_DEFINE([USE_ASSERT_CHECKING], 1,
                         [Define to 1 to build with assertion checks. (--enable-cassert)])])

可以看到默认是定义了USE_ASSERT_CHECKING, 所以最终都会调用abort终止程序。


  1. 分工明确




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