较少的分区也报错too many range table entries

news/2024/7/9 22:16:09 标签: postgresql, 分区表, RTE, ERROR 54000, sql


sql>postgresql中update执行语句报错too many range table entries

sql">with t as (select id from LZLTAB where id=8723 limit 100 )
update	LZLTAB set
	STATUS = '00',
	FILE_ID = null,
	DATE_UPDATED = localtimestamp(0)
where id in (select	id from t)


sql">with t as (select	id from	LZLTAB where	id=8723 limit 100 )
select * from 	LZLTAB where	id in (select id	from t)
  id  |        date_created                                               
 8723 | 2023-06-21 18:02:21.161687 
(1 row)	


sql">Partition key: RANGE (partition_key)
    "pk_lzl" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id, partition_key)
Partitions: lzl_p20230601 FOR VALUES FROM ('20230601') TO ('20230602'),
            lzl_p20230602 FOR VALUES FROM ('20230602') TO ('20230603'),
            lzl_p20230603 FOR VALUES FROM ('20230603') TO ('20230604')

执行explain update报错如下:

sql">explain with t as (selec tid from LZLTAB where id=8723 limit 100 )
update LZLTAB set
STATUS = '00',
FILE_ID = null,
DATE_UPDATED = localtimestamp(0)
where id in (select id from t);

ERROR:  54000: too many range table entries
LOCATION:  add_rte_to_flat_rtable, setrefs.c:451
Time: 18341.171 ms (00:18.341)



报错直接抛出了源码的位置LOCATION: add_rte_to_flat_rtable, setrefs.c:451 ,直接找到该源码


 *Post-processing of a completed plan tree: fix references to subplan
 *	  vars, compute regproc values for operators, etc


 * Add (a copy of) the given RTE to the final rangetable
 * In the flat rangetable, we zero out substructure pointers that are not
 * needed by the executor; this reduces the storage space and copying cost
 * for cached plans.  We keep only the ctename, alias and eref Alias fields,
 * which are needed by EXPLAIN, and the selectedCols, insertedCols,
 * updatedCols, and extraUpdatedCols bitmaps, which are needed for
 * executor-startup permissions checking and for trigger event checking.
static void
add_rte_to_flat_rtable(PlannerGlobal *glob, RangeTblEntry *rte)
	 * Check for RT index overflow; it's very unlikely, but if it did happen,
	 * the executor would get confused by varnos that match the special varno
	 * values.
	if (IS_SPECIAL_VARNO(list_length(glob->finalrtable)))
				 errmsg("too many range table entries")));


 * Var - expression node representing a variable (ie, a table column)
 * In the parser and planner, varno and varattno identify the semantic
 * referent, which is a base-relation column unless the reference is to a join
 * USING column that isn't semantically equivalent to either join input column
 * (because it is a FULL join or the input column requires a type coercion).
 * In those cases varno and varattno refer to the JOIN RTE.  (Early in the
 * planner, we replace such join references by the implied expression; but up
 * till then we want join reference Vars to keep their original identity for
 * query-printing purposes.)
#define    INNER_VAR		65000	/* reference to inner subplan */
#define    OUTER_VAR		65001	/* reference to outer subplan */
#define    INDEX_VAR		65002	/* reference to index column */

#define IS_SPECIAL_VARNO(varno)		((varno) >= INNER_VAR)

上面一段注释有点难懂,但是有段话很重要:In those cases varno and varattno refer to the JOIN RTE。varno与RTE有关系。

在执行计划源码中的各个位置都能找到RTE(rangetable或RangeTblEntry)的描述,并且报错也很明显ERROR: 54000: too many range table entries也是说的RTE。那么什么是RTE

 * RangeTblEntry -
 *	  A range table is a List of RangeTblEntry nodes.
 *	  A range table entry may represent a plain relation, a sub-select in
 *	  FROM, or the result of a JOIN clause.  (Only explicit JOIN syntax
 *	  produces an RTE, not the implicit join resulting from multiple FROM
 *	  items.  This is because we only need the RTE to deal with SQL features
 *	  like outer joins and join-output-column aliasing.)  Other special
 *	  RTE types also exist, as indicated by RTEKind.
 *	  Note that we consider RTE_RELATION to cover anything that has a pg_class
 *	  entry.  relkind distinguishes the sub-cases.




sql">explain with t as (select id from lzl where id=8723 limit 100 )
update lzl set
STATUS = '00',
FILE_ID = null,
DATE_UPDATED = localtimestamp(0)
where id in ( select id from t);


sql">                                                               QUERY PLAN                                                                
 Update on lzl  (cost=155.48..4980.00 rows=600 width=3042)
   Update on lzl_p20230601 lzl_1
   Update on lzl_p20230602 lzl_2
   Update on lzl_p20230630 lzl_30
   ->  Hash Semi Join  (cost=155.48..166.00 rows=20 width=3042)
         Hash Cond: (lzl_1.id = t.id)
         ->  Seq Scan on lzl_p20230601 lzl_1  (cost=0.00..10.20 rows=20 width=2912)
         ->  Hash  (cost=155.10..155.10 rows=30 width=40)
               ->  Subquery Scan on t  (cost=0.14..155.10 rows=30 width=40)
                     ->  Limit  (cost=0.14..154.80 rows=30 width=8)
                           ->  Append  (cost=0.14..154.80 rows=30 width=8)
                                 ->  Index Only Scan using lzl_p20230601_pkey on lzl_p20230601 lzl_32  (cost=0.14..5.16 rows=1 width=8)
                                       Index Cond: (id = 8723)
                                 ->  Index Only Scan using lzl_p20230602_pkey on lzl_p20230602 lzl_33  (cost=0.14..5.16 rows=1 width=8)
                                       Index Cond: (id = 8723)
                                 ->  Index Only Scan using lzl_p20230630_pkey on lzl_p20230630 lzl_61  (cost=0.14..5.16 rows=1 width=8)
                                       Index Cond: (id = 8723)
   ->  Hash Semi Join  (cost=155.48..166.00 rows=20 width=3042)
         Hash Cond: (lzl_30.id = t_29.id)
         ->  Seq Scan on lzl_p20230630 lzl_30  (cost=0.00..10.20 rows=20 width=2912)
         ->  Hash  (cost=155.10..155.10 rows=30 width=40)
               ->  Subquery Scan on t_29  (cost=0.14..155.10 rows=30 width=40)
                     ->  Limit  (cost=0.14..154.80 rows=30 width=8)
                           ->  Append  (cost=0.14..154.80 rows=30 width=8)
                                 ->  Index Only Scan using lzl_p20230601_pkey on lzl_p20230601 lzl_931  (cost=0.14..5.16 rows=1 width=8)
                                       Index Cond: (id = 8723)
                                 ->  Index Only Scan using lzl_p20230602_pkey on lzl_p20230602 lzl_932  (cost=0.14..5.16 rows=1 width=8)
                                       Index Cond: (id = 8723)
                                 ->  Index Only Scan using lzl_p20230630_pkey on lzl_p20230630 lzl_960  (cost=0.14..5.16 rows=1 width=8)
                                       Index Cond: (id = 8723)
(2041 rows)



sql">explain with t as (select id from lzl where id=8723 limit 100 )
select  STATUS ,FILE_ID ,DATE_UPDATED  from lzl where id in ( select id from t);
sql"> Hash Semi Join  (cost=155.48..467.05 rows=90 width=98)
   Hash Cond: (lzl.id = lzl_31.id)
   ->  Append  (cost=0.00..309.00 rows=600 width=106)
         ->  Seq Scan on lzl_p20230601 lzl_1  (cost=0.00..10.20 rows=20 width=106)
         ->  Seq Scan on lzl_p20230602 lzl_2  (cost=0.00..10.20 rows=20 width=106)
         ->  Seq Scan on lzl_p20230630 lzl_30  (cost=0.00..10.20 rows=20 width=106)
   ->  Hash  (cost=155.10..155.10 rows=30 width=8)
         ->  Limit  (cost=0.14..154.80 rows=30 width=8)
               ->  Append  (cost=0.14..154.80 rows=30 width=8)
                     ->  Index Only Scan using lzl_p20230601_pkey on lzl_p20230601 lzl_32  (cost=0.14..5.16 rows=1 width=8)
                           Index Cond: (id = 8723)
                     ->  Index Only Scan using lzl_p20230602_pkey on lzl_p20230602 lzl_33  (cost=0.14..5.16 rows=1 width=8)
                           Index Cond: (id = 8723)
                     ->  Index Only Scan using lzl_p20230630_pkey on lzl_p20230630 lzl_61  (cost=0.14..5.16 rows=1 width=8)
                           Index Cond: (id = 8723)
(96 rows)


  • 400个分区的select,它的执行计划中的RTE有801个,没超过INNER_VAR的值65000,它可以生成执行计划并且执行
  • 400个分区的update,它的执行计划中的RTE有160160400个,远远超过INNER_VAR的值65000,不能成功生成执行计划,抛出RTE超限的报错。




sql">CREATE TABLE lzl (
    id number NOT NULL,
    partition_key number DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
PARTITION BY RANGE (partition_key)
PARTITION lzl_p20230601 VALUES LESS THAN ('20230602'),
PARTITION lzl_p20230602 VALUES LESS THAN ('20230603'),
PARTITION lzl_p20230630 VALUES LESS THAN ('20230631'));

create  index PKLZL on lzl(id, partition_key) local;
alter table lzl add constraint pklzl primary key (id, partition_key) using index pklzl;


sql">with t as (select id from lzl where id=8723 and rownum<= 100 )
select  STATUS ,FILE_ID ,DATE_UPDATED  from lzl where id in ( select id from t)


sql">update lzl set
STATUS = '00',
FILE_ID = null,
DATE_UPDATED = sysdate
where id in (select id from lzl where id=8723 and rownum<= 100)

oracle里,select和update都使用了nest loop,访问所有分区partition range all,所以oracle无论是select和update,t表为驱动表,因为是in所以结果进行了排序去重,所以oracle的执行计划不是30*30次访问,而是跟驱动表里的结果集有关,如果是n条数据,那么访问n*30次分区。因为驱动表t没有什么数据,所以这个执行计划没什么问题。



sql">CREATE TABLE test (
    id bigint NOT NULL,
    date_created timestamp  ,
PARTITION BY RANGE (partition_key) 
PARTITION lzl_p20230601 VALUES LESS THAN (20230602),
PARTITION lzl_p20230602 VALUES LESS THAN (20230603),
PARTITION lzl_p20230630 VALUES LESS THAN (20230631));

alter table lzl add primary key pklzl(id,partition_key);


> explain with t as (select id from lzl where id=8723 limit 100 )
    -> select  STATUS ,FILE_ID ,DATE_UPDATED  from lzl where id in ( select id from t);
| id | select_type | table      | partitions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | type | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra           |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived3> | NULL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | ALL  | NULL          | NULL    | NULL    | NULL  |    2 |   100.00 | Start temporary |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | lzl        | lzl_p20230601,lzl_p20230602,lzl_p20230603,lzl_p20230604,lzl_p20230605,lzl_p20230606,lzl_p20230607,lzl_p20230608,lzl_p20230609,lzl_p20230610,lzl_p20230611,lzl_p20230612,lzl_p20230613,lzl_p20230614,lzl_p20230615,lzl_p20230616,lzl_p20230617,lzl_p20230618,lzl_p20230619,lzl_p20230620,lzl_p20230621,lzl_p20230622,lzl_p20230623,lzl_p20230624,lzl_p20230625,lzl_p20230626,lzl_p20230627,lzl_p20230628,lzl_p20230629,lzl_p20230630 | ref  | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 8       | t.id  |    1 |   100.00 | End temporary   |
|  3 | DERIVED     | lzl        | lzl_p20230601,lzl_p20230602,lzl_p20230603,lzl_p20230604,lzl_p20230605,lzl_p20230606,lzl_p20230607,lzl_p20230608,lzl_p20230609,lzl_p20230610,lzl_p20230611,lzl_p20230612,lzl_p20230613,lzl_p20230614,lzl_p20230615,lzl_p20230616,lzl_p20230617,lzl_p20230618,lzl_p20230619,lzl_p20230620,lzl_p20230621,lzl_p20230622,lzl_p20230623,lzl_p20230624,lzl_p20230625,lzl_p20230626,lzl_p20230627,lzl_p20230628,lzl_p20230629,lzl_p20230630 | ref  | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 8       | const |    1 |   100.00 | Using index     |


sql">> explain with t as (select id from lzl where id=8723 limit 100 )
    -> update lzl set
    -> STATUS = '00',
    -> FILE_ID = null,
    -> DATE_UPDATED = localtimestamp(0)   where id in ( select id from t);
| id | select_type | table      | partitions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | type | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra           |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived3> | NULL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | ALL  | NULL          | NULL    | NULL    | NULL  |    2 |   100.00 | Start temporary |
|  1 | UPDATE      | lzl        | lzl_p20230601,lzl_p20230602,lzl_p20230603,lzl_p20230604,lzl_p20230605,lzl_p20230606,lzl_p20230607,lzl_p20230608,lzl_p20230609,lzl_p20230610,lzl_p20230611,lzl_p20230612,lzl_p20230613,lzl_p20230614,lzl_p20230615,lzl_p20230616,lzl_p20230617,lzl_p20230618,lzl_p20230619,lzl_p20230620,lzl_p20230621,lzl_p20230622,lzl_p20230623,lzl_p20230624,lzl_p20230625,lzl_p20230626,lzl_p20230627,lzl_p20230628,lzl_p20230629,lzl_p20230630 | ref  | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 8       | t.id  |    1 |   100.00 | End temporary   |
|  3 | DERIVED     | lzl        | lzl_p20230601,lzl_p20230602,lzl_p20230603,lzl_p20230604,lzl_p20230605,lzl_p20230606,lzl_p20230607,lzl_p20230608,lzl_p20230609,lzl_p20230610,lzl_p20230611,lzl_p20230612,lzl_p20230613,lzl_p20230614,lzl_p20230615,lzl_p20230616,lzl_p20230617,lzl_p20230618,lzl_p20230619,lzl_p20230620,lzl_p20230621,lzl_p20230622,lzl_p20230623,lzl_p20230624,lzl_p20230625,lzl_p20230626,lzl_p20230627,lzl_p20230628,lzl_p20230629,lzl_p20230630 | ref  | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 8       | const |    1 |   100.00 | Using index     |






这个bug标题有一定的误导性,BUG #16302: too many range table entries - when count partition table(65538 childs)
bug看上去说分区表的分区不能超过65538个,在讨论中也有PG can handle up to 64K relations in a query,一个查询不能有超过64K的relation。



#define    INNER_VAR		(-1)	/* reference to inner subplan */
#define    OUTER_VAR		(-2)	/* reference to outer subplan */
#define    INDEX_VAR		(-3)	/* reference to index column */
#define    ROWID_VAR		(-4)	/* row identity column during planning */

#define IS_SPECIAL_VARNO(varno)		((int) (varno) < 0)

而在抛出报错的函数中,src/backend/optimizer/plan/setrefs.c中的add_rte_to_flat_rtable()函数中的报错代码已经被删除了!整个15的源码都没有too many range table entries


  • pg对于分区表的优化还有提升空间。pg对于分区表的分区,跟oracle、mysql不一样,它仍然子分区当成普通表来处理,而oracle只是把子分区当成一个段来处理,跟表是有差别的。这也导致pg在生产分区表执行计划时把每一个分区的访问方式都写了出来(在不会裁剪的情况下),分区特别多时执行计划会非常的长;而oracle只需要写partition range all就行了;mysql也会打印所有分区,但是不会像pg那样把每个分区的访问当成一个子查询,从而降低了执行计划的复杂度。
  • 即使分区没有达到64K,也可能报错too many range table entries。这个限制其实是执行计划RTE个数,而不是分区个数(当然分区达到这个数,RTE也到达了,就像上面说的,pg打印了所有分区的访问方式)
  • too many range table entries报错在pg15解决
  • 如果是15以下的版本,确实不要建太多的分区!当然也可以利用分区裁剪来减少分区的访问,就像这个案例,把where逻辑中加上分区键条件就可以了。




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